Simplify your life, amplify your style. We are here to help you feel your best.

At the core of our approach lies the ALOBHA philosophy, seamlessly blending Buddhist principles such as mindfulness, serenity, and the reduction of attachments to alleviate suffering.

Our Approach

At the core of our approach lies the ALOBHA philosophy, seamlessly blending Buddhist principles such as mindfulness, serenity, and the reduction of attachments to alleviate suffering. Drawing inspiration from the renowned organizational expert Marie Kondo and her KonMari method, we emphasize the importance of keeping only those items that truly "spark joy." And here's where we bring our unique touch – providing honest feedback on what suits you best, a facet where we can truly assist you in making mindful and stylish choices.

When decluttering a closet, there are few guidelines the ALOBHA method uses to help us in “letting go” and reducing our attachment to our clothing.

  1. Do you wear it?

  2. What occasion do you wear it?

  3. Do you like it?

  4. Does it fit?

  5. Is it comfortable?

  6. Is it in good condition?

  7. Does it look good on you?

As we navigate through your wardrobe, we'll carefully reflect on these considerations. Our goal is to 'trim the fat,' bidding farewell to any garments that go unworn, feel uncomfortable, have become outdated, or simply don't flatter you. Your wardrobe will emerge refined, tailored to your preferences, and a source of confidence and comfort.

Our Method

Embarking on the ALOBHA method begins with an initial consultation, a friendly opportunity for us to gain insights into your lifestyle, preferences, living space, and existing organizational setup. Rest assured, there's absolutely no judgment; in fact, the more clutter we encounter, the greater the satisfaction once our decluttering journey is complete. This consultation can take place either virtually or in person, depending on your preference.

As we delve into the decluttering process, we'll initiate by tackling sections of your wardrobe. Together, we'll methodically sift through each item, categorizing them into three piles: keep, donate, or dispose. This is a collaborative effort, encouraging you to try on various pieces unless you're certain about parting with them. By doing so, you reconnect with each item, assess its current fit, and evaluate its alignment with your present style. Our focus will be on prioritizing versatile pieces that bring you joy and serve a practical purpose.

Approaching this task with utmost compassion, we're here to guide you through tough decisions, provide suggestions, and offer constructive advice. Our goal is to assist you in achieving a streamlined wardrobe that reflects your personal style and brings ease to your daily life.